6 Unbelievable Ways Breakups Are Good For Your Studies

Blocking them on all forms of social media. Lots of sleeping. Writing long text messages that you’ll never actually send. People deal with breakups in lots of different ways. It’s a difficult time, that’s for sure. But you’ll be surprised at how what seems like the worse thing in the world can actually be quite the opposite. Let me break it down for you.

1. You find out who your real friends are when you’re at your worst.

“True test of friendship”

Your friends are always there for you when things are great. They’ll come to the movies with you and walk around for hours to catch that really rare Pokemon you spotted. But your real friends are the ones you can text at any time to rant or when you need a shoulder to cry on. Unfortunately, they won’t all be there for you. But tough times like these prove who your truest and dearest friends really are. The ones who bring you ice cream, send you funny cat videos, reply your late night texts, and just sit with you and listen when you need them to. These are the friends you’ll cherish for life.

2. You learn how to be more independent.

“Now there’s just only you and yourself”

You may not have realized it, but you sure do now – your ex was doing a whole lot for you. They always bought the movie tickets and planned dates. It’s only obvious now since you have to do it all yourself. It may seem daunting at first but think of it as a new adventure. With the help of close friends, your family, and Google, you can learn to do lots of new things all on your own. Being more independent is part of growing up. You’re only going to come out of this an entirely new and more self-reliant person. Whether it’s learning how to change a tire or how to order your favorite grub online, it’s never too late to learn. Asking for help can be a little embarrassing but the plus point is you’ll become way more confident after a few tries.

3. You can really hit the books.

“What better rebound is there than to get your grades up”

For a long time, you’ve had to divide your attention between time for yourself, someone else, and studying. You’ll now find that you have a lot more hours in the day. It’s the perfect time to really focus on studying smart without the nuisance of distractions. There aren’t as many text messages to reply, and no plans to make or confirm. That just means more quiet time to focus on what’s important – school. Start by looking at subjects where your grades could use some help. Get a teacher or your lecturer to help point out where and how you can improve so you can work hard to ace your next exam with flying colors.

4. You can use your newfound alone time to try new hobbies.

“Now you just need to please yourself”

You’ve entered a whole new phase in your life with time to spare and gaps to fill. So why not try out new hobbies and see what strikes your fancy? You could try out that sport you always wanted to take up or maybe pick up that camera in the cupboard you haven’t touched for months. You could even start some self-defense classes at school to let out some frustration and get a good work out in at the same time. The point is, there are so many possibilities awaiting you. It’s a great way to take your mind off being gloomy and you’ll probably make new friends too while you’re at it.

5. You get to spend more quality time with family and friends.

“Quality time for close ones”

Having a significant other may have caused you to lose touch with friends and spend less time at home with your family. There’s no better time than the present to get reconnected. Text a bunch of friends you haven’t seen in a while and go for a hike next weekend, or just get together at your favorite mamak for dinner. It could even be as simple as going out for dinner with your family and really being present at the table, engaging in conversation and not constantly checking your phone. You’ll start to realize how little things count and really make all the difference in life.

6. You can focus on yourself for once.

“Time to rewrite your life’s goals”

It’s time to think about “me” and not “we”. It may be new to you at first but some well-needed ‘me time’ can be a beautiful thing. Look at your goals and aspirations and make a list of ways you can get where you want in life. There are lots of self-improvement exercises that you can start practicing. Journaling has been scientifically proven to help people get through rough patches. The physical act of writing down how you feel and why helps release tension and increase overall happiness. Starting a journal also helps you track your progress in the long run.

It may start with you writing about your ex and how you feel at the moment but eventually you’ll find yourself writing about the new experiences you’ve encountered. Looking back on your earlier entries, you’ll be proud to see how far you’ve come. It may not feel like it right now, but whatever you’re feeling will eventually pass. Remember to give yourself time to heal and don’t rush the process. Surround yourself with friends, family, loads of laughter, and positive vibes you’ll be good as new in no time!

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